In this article, we will take a look on the population of world continent wise. We all know that the total dry surface area is of earth is divided into seven major parts which are called continents. These seven continents are named as Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australia and Antarctica.

World Population in 2022

First of all we will describe that what is population or what do we mean by the word population?

    “Population is the number of people living at a particular place or region.”

    Every continent has different population according to its geographic structure. People want to live at a place where they get more facilities and a friendly environment. If they face difficulties in their living style at a place, they migrate from there to some other piece of land. Hence the population keeps changing in continents.

    As a whole, it is true to say that the population of world is increasing rapidly. Birth rate of human beings is much greater than the death rate. This is the main reason behind rapid increase in world population. The population of the world in September 2022 is 7,970,000,000. The population of each continent is described below.

Population of Asia

The continent Asia is the largest continent in the world.

Its population is 4,728,356,958 (in September 2022).

Asia has about 59.33% of the world population.

The Continent Asia has the highest population density in the world 150 people per square kilometers.

The Continent Asia covers 8.8% of earth surface.

Republic of China has the most population 1,425,871,244 in Asia.

It covers 44,579,000 square kilometers which covers 30% of earth‘s land area.

The largest country of Asia by area is Russian Federation having area 17.1 million square kilometers.

The smallest country of Asia by area is Maldives 298 square kilometers.

There are around 49 countries in the continent of Asia.

Asia includes countries of Pakistan, China, Afghanistan, Iran, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Population of Africa

The continent Africa is the second largest continent in the world.

Its population is 1,411,254,877 (in September 2022).

Africa has about 17.71% of the world population.

The population density of Africa is 48 people per square kilometers.

The continent of Africa has the second highest population in the world.

The country of Africa with largest population is Nigeria 170 million.

The countries of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha have the smallest population.

The largest country by of Africa by area is Republic of Congo having area 2,345,410 square kilometers.

The smallest country of Africa by area is Republic of Territory having area 420 square kilometers.

There are  54 countries the continent of Africa.

Population of Europe

The continent of Europe is the third largest continent in the world.

The population of Europe is 748,636,517 (in September 2022).

This continent covers an area of about 10,180,000 square kilometers which is 2% of the earth surface.

The population of Europe is about 9.4% of the world population.

The population density of Europe is 34 people per square kilometers.

The continent of Europe consists of about 56 countries or states.

The countries with the most population are Republic of Germany, UK and Italy.

Vatican City is the country with least population of 910 people in the Europe.

The continent of Europe consists of more than 50 countries.

Population of North America

The population of North America is about 373,869,422 (in September 2022).

North America is the 4th continent in the world with the most population.

The population of North America is about 4.69% of the world population.

Population density of North America is 19.12 people per square kilometers.

There are about 23 states in North America.

The states of North America with most population are USA, Mexico, Canada, West Indies and Central America.

The states of North America with least population are Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Population in South America

The continent of South America has a population of 438,593,956 (in September 2022).

The population of South America is about 5.5 % of the world population.

Population density of this continent is 25 people per square kilometers.

The country of Brazil has the most population in South America. Its population is about 195 million.

The countries of South America with least population are South Georgia and South Sandwich.

Brazil is largest country of South America by area having area 3,287,612 square miles.

South sandwich is smallest country of South America by area having area 1,194 square miles.

Population of Australia

Australia is the smallest continent of the world.

The population of Australia is 26,151,912 (in September 2022).

Area of this continent is 7,692,024 square kilometers.

The population of Australia is about 0.33% of the world population.

Population density of Australia is 3.38 people square kilometers.

The regions of Australia with most population are Common Wealth of Australia, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.

Population of Antarctica

The population of Antarctica is about 1,000 to 5,000.

Area of this continent is 14,000,000 square kilometers.

Antarctica contributes about 0.00001% to the world total population.

Population density of Antarctica is around 0.00007 to 0.0035 people square kilometers.

50 countries have signed that Antarctica should be used for research purpose.

The countries Italy, USA, Argentina, Chile, Russia, France, and Japan have  most researchers in Antarctica.